The Colour of Food: A memoir of life, love and dinner
First in this series was Anne Else, December 2013 at Pataka
Refugee Day - a fantastic event in Cannons Creek
Hundreds of families, fabulous food from Afghanistan, Colombia, Ethiopia and from different regions of Burma/Myanmar - dancing, eating & making friends. Thanks to the organisers and all the participants it was a wonderful multicultural
Migrating Kitchen DVDs, study guides, jams & recipes at the MK stall
Fabulous finale at Moore Wilson's: Thank you to all the chefs from Iran, Mexico, Thailand, Ethiopia, Poland, all the visitors
Thanks to the Polish chefs, Krysia, Lizzie & Tereska. The crowd loved the pierogi, dumplings with savoury & sweet fillings.
Thank you too for the family stories, the hardships endured coming to NZ & the vitality you have brought with you - & the fab recipes!
The former Race Relations Commissioner Joris de Bres joined Mulu and Elfenesh Tesfa in the Migrating Kitchen at Moore Wilson's (over 100% earthquake secure!)
With offices closed in the city, the Migrating Kitchen was open for business and a delicious lunch of injera, chicken (doro wett), lamb and vegetarian dishes were served by the industrious chefs.

With offices closed in the city, the Migrating Kitchen was open for business and a delicious lunch of injera, chicken (doro wett), lamb and vegetarian dishes were served by the industrious chefs.

Radio NZ at Migrating Kitchen!
Radio NZ's Lynda Chanwai-Earle's reports on the Migrating Kitchen at Moore Wilson's
Go to RNZ Archives :
SE Asia Night Market
The SE Asia Night Market 16 March on Wellington's waterfront was a huge success with thousands cramming on to the walkway in front of Te Papa to watch dancers, sample sumptuous food and buy handicrafts Recipes from previous Migrating Kitchen exhibitions whetted the appetite!
Plans for this year are underway and we look forward to hearing your ideas
Last event of 2012: Migrating Kitchen Exhibition at Moore Wilson's
Thank you MOORE WILSON'S Iranians entertained, cooked, gave out recipes, made music, danced & talk about Iran
Geoff, Graciela Albrecht, his Chilean wife & their daughter starred in the Chile 'kitchen' at Pataka in '09.
Fahima cooking at Festival of the Elements with Baquer her son Making mantu at Moore Wilson's, & recipes
French cuisine at Moore Wilson's: We were honoured to have the Ambassador Francis Etienne and his wife open the French show at Moore Wilson's. This was a warm up before they left to launch the Cordon Bleu School round the corner!
The French connection ended with cheeses - fabulous French cheeses. Ludovic Avril from Le Marche Francais generously shared his knowledge - yet another taste of France.
French chef Pierre Bugaud in action entertains visitors with garlic mussels followed by sautéed chicken livers & bacon.
And here is his RECIPE for Crème Anglaise avec les Oeufs a la Neige. Shared for all to enjoy.
And here is his RECIPE for Crème Anglaise avec les Oeufs a la Neige. Shared for all to enjoy.
For the last two days members of Burma/Myanmar's diverse ethnic communities have cooked and entertained the packed kitchen at Moore Wilson's.
Refugee stories and the challenges facing refugee groups here, hopeful discussions about changes in Myanmar and fascinating food make lunch in the Migrating Kitchen a thoughtful affair. Tourist visitors in town for WOW wandered into the MW kitchen and had an unexpected culinary and educative experience. They want the Migrating Kitchen to travel!
Hajar Ali, student & author spoke of the need to understand each other's cultures, a theme carried on by Sam Sefuiva from the Human Rights Commission. Ruth Pretty told entertaining stories about how our food tastes have changed dramatically since more refugee & migrant groups have settled here.
Then it was "bon appetit"!
Ruth Pretty, Ruth Pretty Catering Sam Sefuiva, Principal Advisor Race Relations, HRC
Afghan, Burmese, French & Iranian communities will cook, make music and entertain from Monday to Wednesday throughout October.
Moore Wilson is continuing their generous sponsorship of the Migrating Kitchen Trust by providing all ingredients for the four communities - and their wonderful kitchen in College Street. No longer will the chefs have to make do with a two ring burner - although they provided fabulous food in our exhibitions.
Bring your friends, join Friends of the Migrating Kitchen Trust, taste delicious food, take away recipes.
Updates for times for each community will be posted on our Facebook Page.
Interested in becoming a Friend of the Migrating Kitchen Trust?
Email our administrator Judy McKoy [email protected] T (04) 233 9365 M 021 263 9844

Amongst their personal belongings on loan are treasures to be discovered - a dog-eared family exercise book with spindly French handwriting reveals recipes from 1906; copies of a Zimbabwean mother's stew recipe to take away (her daughter phoned Zimbabwe just to check she could pass it on and had it correct the way her mother made it). Then there's the hand painted dinner set from Russia; traditional cooking implements guarded by Bhutanese families through refugee camps, now used in Palmerston North; Filipino sweets to savour and Cook Island material to feast the eyes on.
The Migrating Kitchen exhibition celebrates festivals, fashion and food with local multicultural communities - and this year the exhibition was held in Palmerston North - at Te Manawa Museum of Art, Science and History.
The support shown for the concept by local communities and businesses is evidence of the multi-cultural community that is at the heart of Palmerston North say the curators.
Every weekend one community commandeers the big kitchen table and the gallery is packed for the entertainment – and the food. Recipes are given away in each ‘kitchen’, DVDs play above each kitchen bench and kids enjoy grinding the spices and crushing the herbs.
It’s fun, vibrant and a great way to get to know your neighbours.
Kitchens Migrate to Palmerston North
Bhutanese, Filipino, Russian, Cook Island, Zimbabwean & French communities - Sharing Food Sharing Culture
Palmerston North City Council creative communities grants awards. Front row centre: Migrating Kitchen Trust's Jennifer Bush-Daumec, the PN co-ordinator, Christine Coles, and Nirmala Nand, President of Multi-Ethnic Council, PN |
The Migrating Kitchen @ Festival of the Elements was 'epic'
At Porirua on Waitangi Day 6 Feb, ten communities cooked food, served favourite national dishes,gave cooking demonstrations and sold craft: Afghan, Burmese, Iranian, Italian, Japanese, Moroccan, Pacific, West &South African....and more
Recipes will be posted on the website
Joris de Bres, Race Relations Commissioner
The Migrating Kitchen at Pataka, August & September 2011
Was regarded as 'the best ever!' after six weeks of fine food and fabulous entertainment.
The Argentinians treated visitors to empanadas, alfajores, and rice pudding, ending with a trio whose music had us tango dancing in the gallery.

Then there was the feast which entertained and fed an overflowing gallery!
Migrating Kitchen entertained visitors at Wellington airport yesterday. We kicked off with Eddie Peterson and his group, Vuyisa - to bring joy in Xhosa, then Shahram Aryan's trio and the grand finale from the Tongan choir.
The South Africans & the Welsh faced off before their big clash at the Cake Tin.

The Welsh Cuisine, Music, Arts and Crafts and then off to the airport to welcome their Welsh rugby team.

The MK exhibition kicked off with the Japanese who entertained visitors this weekend with a beautiful Ikebana display, a tranquil tea ceremony, then a cooking demonstration in the gallery with a tasty treat for everyone.

Norrie Street Porirua, New Zealand map link ph 04 237-1511
Narooz - the Iranian New Year Celebrations

The International Migrating Kitchen Craft Fair - 10 September at Pataka
