November 2012 Newsletter

posted 18 Nov 2012, 16:32 by Unknown user   [ updated 18 Jun 2013, 03:53 by Geoff Head ]
Greetings to you all,
Our month in the kitchen at Moore Wilson’s in the City in October brought us face to face with a whole new audience, with the many positive comments in our message book affirming the worth of connecting with local migrant and refugee communities in such a venue.  

We are very grateful to Moore Wilson’s for supporting the work of the Trust through the donation of both food and of their ‘people friendly’ kitchen space. We also enjoyed very good media coverage from the Fishhead magazine, DomPost & Capital Times articles, and the ‘still to air’ RNZ Asian Report  produced by Lynda Chanwai-Earle.
Financial support through your Friends membership underpins our work as we plan now for 2013 and beyond. Thank You from the MK Trust and from the 23 communities from the wider Wellington region, Porirua City, and Palmerston North with whom we have worked over the past 5 years.
Plans for future MK events include
  • A repeat event at Moore Wilson’s Wellington
  • Cooking classes with our community chefs
  • Social Cooking events – ethnic food for interested groups (see )
How can you get involved?
Interested in getting a group of like minded friends together for a unique and culturally stimulating occasion which could include food preparation and/or a delicious and different sit-down meal served by the chefs?
Let us know and we will work with you to make it happen!
Your feedback and ideas are important to us as we plan ‘the next stage’ and endeavour to provide fresh experiences with food as the entree - We are keen to hear from you!
Kind regards
Judy McKoy
Migrating Kitchen Trust
M: 021 2639844